Thursday, January 31, 2008 I can't believe it's possible to be nostalgic over deleting internet bookmarks. No wonder I'm terrible at cleaning up, especially after my own mess. she procrastinated @ 00:51 |I changed my mind! I don't want the 25th of Feb to come anymore! she procrastinated @ 00:29 |Monday, January 28, 2008 trajectoryThese days, there is too much you call yours, and too little that you mistake for your own. I sit here, typing, typing, typing, in the rhythm of dotted hiccups, as if it can change something, when really, nothing has ever once changed for the better, unconstructive, apart from the myriad of concooted excuses whose birth denotes something far more insidious. Twisted cousin of faith, that I am wrong, that I must be right in that I'm wrong. And hence, the carousel of feared refrains, the inevitable reworkings of tattooed burns. I should stick to chartered waters she procrastinated @ 22:05 |Thursday, January 24, 2008 the tower, ohrwurm.It's been an extraordinary week. Full of nasty revelations, very intense stuff. The more I think I understand, the more I don't. Not that it changes anything. Taking a passive stance never does, though you do inevitably engage in woebegone mindgames (with yourself, of course) every once in a while. But I have learned something - I now know why my dad used to buy hope every weekend. Nothing like the quadrangle of shared or common experience to bring people together, I suppose. And there's also nothing like the former, to keep them apart. Sprinkles of gold, I imagine, and voila, they become. she procrastinated @ 01:07 |Wednesday, January 23, 2008 weird shitis happening man, and it ain't funny. But I think, or I know, I can handle it, because thank you. she procrastinated @ 00:39 |Tuesday, January 15, 2008 justifying melodrama, the poisonous thrill of hated possibilitiesAm I the only one who takes perverse pleasure in freaking myself out! To indulge in imagined grief! To imagine the myriad incarnations of finality! Where no more beginnings can take place, the death of all what ifs. Such macabre sweetness lies in the creation of these waking dreams - hopefully fallow, that is. At least, my arrogant self will have it so, but then, I am hardly omnipotent. 6th of Feb is so far away, and the 25th, even further she procrastinated @ 18:49 |Tuesday, January 08, 2008 warmth (despite dreary skies)which hits you in the middle, your breath knocked out in gasps. Pinwheels on candy sticks amidst the green, spinning madly on a windy day, the molten gold momentarily blinds, and all I can think of and feel, is the sensation of exquisite silk against my fingers. Such resplendent colours are forever etched, onto the back of my eyes. To all my friends, whom I've managed to catch a glimpse of before you guys have made your way across various oceans to misty continents - it's been great catching up. Come back soon, please. Just so you know, even if you don't have to - school sucks. she procrastinated @ 17:26 | |
blueprint I will like to spend my days, as though they are my own, which I mostly end up doing in halves, for duty beckons, and I am answering its clarion call. Soon enough! I am also a veteran procrastinator. fresh monodies Old wounds hurt most, I learned this today, becaus... previous rants August 2004 treatises on life arty jen frivolous pursuits for shallow ppl mulling over "One is wicked, because one see things clearly." - Beaumarchais's Le nozze di Figaro.And there were phlegmatic souls.