She speaks, repeating the old litanies, of worn accusations breathed anew, of calamitous windfalls, and I listen, to the raspy phonetics of the finite, the ticker tape is coming to the end of the roll, and I listen, aggrieved, for she knows, her swansong is nigh, the circle of 5ths, no longer more.
she procrastinated @ 03:22 |
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
time skips
I have some unexpected spare time today. Not at the right time to address the present calls of love and duty, but enough such that I learn past lessons and experience the old as new.
Earlier on this year, there were two prominent cards, and I had to make a choice between the two. I think I did, and now I miss the other. But I remain transfixed, unable and unwilling to cross the yawning chasm of time, space and tears that would also bring about a renewal of strictures long past. Regrettably or otherwise, I can no longer live for yesterday or today.
I have lived and died with each song and verse, with each crystal of snow, and with each fallen leaf of light. Too much, I have lost, with each unbecoming, but I can no longer stop, and I can no longer close my eyes.
I will like to spend my days, as though they are my own, which I mostly end up doing in halves, for duty beckons, and I am answering its clarion call. Soon enough! I am also a veteran procrastinator.