Monday, January 03, 2005
new year resolutions.
Everyone knows that New Year resolutions are made to be broken. So here's my list of New Year resolutions I promise I'd break: 1. I will eat junk food everyday. 2. I will practise piano only twice a week. 3. I will take my own sweet time to return my library books. 4. I will waste money by buying dinner take-outs instead of eating in at the halls. 5. I will only start on my essays 48hours before the deadline. 6. I will continue to buy one CD per week. 7. I will always endeavour to arrive 20 min late for all occasions, including classes and outings. 8. I will always leave my laptop running for 24/7, 365 days a year. 9. I will eat at least 2 pkts of korean cup noodles everyday. 10. I swear I will be become the meanest evil witch alive. Ho ho ho.
Wow, I think I made a really good list of resolutions that I can actually break, and therefore keep. Ooh hang on, I left out one: 11. I will never step into the gym! *winks*
Disclaimer: Just in case, I said 'step into the gym'. I didn't mention anything abt working out..
she procrastinated @ 04:50 |