Monday, August 25, 2008 while i lie sick in bed, as gloomy as one can beI've started practising piano again. Well, that's not exactly true, since I only practised semi-seriously on Friday and haven't touched the piano since, but it's a start. So I revived the Scriabin, that which I hold so dear to my heart, and as I played through it, I could hear my teacher in London dictating to me, do this, do that, fingerwork here, keep the 2 against 3 more precise, along with the weathered touch of abused Steinways, the dangerous air she carries around with her (Bulgarians are very fiery, don't you know), and with it, the taste of winter, the scent of tobacco, and the weight of innumerable (often very painful) hours spent in the name of chasing perfection. I am determined to practise piano more often, for my fingers are so weak that it breaks my heart. But it's not going to be easy. For one thing, all my time goes into preparing for lessons (this entails reading many articles and trying to digest them), coming up with worksheets and answer scheme, marking, coaching students, going through their harmony portfolio, etc etc, not to mention the detested other subjects that I have to teach, and many other nonsensical things that a teacher has to do in order not to get a D grading. Which is counter-productive, if you know what I mean. I miss so many things from my days at Kings. Not that I am not reconciled to the loss, you know, but there is still hope that something will be worked out in the near future. We will see, but through seeing, will probably never see. she procrastinated @ 13:18 |Monday, August 18, 2008 strange days are upon us/me.A case of having too many deja vus, the sense of doing something that I have already done before whilst asleep, while I lie sleeping, in dreams, you see. Of course, I might be wrong, and also, I might be right. It just leaves me feeling decidedly queer, and a little despondent, for there will be no end to the number of signs I deign to see or claim to remember. I trust yet suspect my feelings, and then, there is nothing. I was talking to M for a bit today, and there seems to be a certain energy going around, one that makes us woefully nostalgic, the anguished yearning for a time that once was ours but no longer. Still, I probably speak for myself when I say this, but since when have I ever not done so? I have so much work to do, so many commitments that I don't have time for myself, no time to do the things I want to do, and the seams are coming apart from the accumulation of past imprints whose origins and nature I know not, only that they are there, waiting in line, looking over my shoulder. And then, the insidious pressure from those silent walls, that hoard all speech and brook no (recorded) thought, such is the jealous blanket of gray heard through the clear glass of day. she procrastinated @ 17:12 |Friday, August 15, 2008 as i see and not see, as i hear and not heari shall learn, amid much wrenching of heart, for the distant present, and dislocations past. she procrastinated @ 17:58 |Monday, August 11, 2008 5 min break.College is getting crazy, but fun. Probably because I'm seeing the kids more often after that sick bout, and incorporating more performance in lessons. It's easy to get lost in the quagmire of endless articles, we've to return to the music once in a while. It's Mozart's String Quartet now, K. 421. Mozart is God. So is Beethoven, Verdi, Berg and many others, I suppose. Okay, time to continue marking scripts. Sigh. she procrastinated @ 12:47 | |
blueprint I will like to spend my days, as though they are my own, which I mostly end up doing in halves, for duty beckons, and I am answering its clarion call. Soon enough! I am also a veteran procrastinator. fresh monodies Old wounds hurt most, I learned this today, becaus... previous rants August 2004 treatises on life arty jen frivolous pursuits for shallow ppl mulling over "One is wicked, because one see things clearly." - Beaumarchais's Le nozze di Figaro.And there were phlegmatic souls.