Tuesday, October 19, 2004
My net is down. I got caught for downloading media files. Oh, bollocks. ^&(*%^&%&(^%. It's so inconvenient without immediate access to the internet. I couldn't email my essay over, so I had to lug my laptop across the block to Marcus's room to print/email it. [You're my saviour, Marcus!!! S-A-V-I-O-U-R!!] I dug out my laptop battery, slid it in, pulled out the plug, and voila! The screen went blank. Had a series of heart palpitations on the spot, and I would KILL myself if my work had been erased but thankfully, all went well. Got it printed out, and handed it up at 505pm. 5 min over the deadline but hopefully my tutor wouldn't penalise me for that. I swear it's me, things somehow always happen to me. I must have a word imprinted across my forehead that says: "Strike me down, I'm a sucker for disasters." Did I mention I fell down while running after the bus today? And the bloody 168 bus just sauntered right past me. And I dropped 10 quid while sprinting the short distance from the bus stop to college. Someone's 10 quid richer. So am I: I've got 50p on my knee.
she procrastinated @ 17:38 |