Wednesday, October 06, 2004
photo day.
Okay peeps, here are some shots. First of all, the ratty piano that I practise on everyday. Which btw, is already the best among the pianos in the basement. The Bach score which I've been mutilating everyday. Was at Danny's yesterday, and here's Danny, GooiZhen and Gloria, while yours truly bums on the sofa.    And let me tell you guys: it's not a good idea at all to buy too many things when you're overseas. It's an absolute nightmare when you're moving in and out of your apt. Sunsun and I had TWENTY-ONE boxes between us! We huffed, and we puffed, and we manually dragged all our boxes to our rooms. Slowly. (Yes Selena, I shld have listened to you and not shopped that often. Ahhhhhh) Here's the evidence: 

You'd think I'd be scared of buying more items, but nooooooo I must buy more books: 
And that's only half of the books I bought since arriving about two weeks ago. Last but not least, is the lousy view of Sandwich Street outside my window.  Okay, I think you guys are suffering from photo-overload. Enough for now. Damn, I miss my apt at Bond Street.
she procrastinated @ 18:00 |