Thursday, September 30, 2004
It's cold, wet and gray today. Absolutely miserable. And yet, I skip along the slippery cobblestones, and choose to see what I want to see. Amazing architecture. Gorgeous old buildings, brimming with lost secrets accumulated with time. Surrounded by a palette of vibrant colours, individual and unique. Beauty is laid out before me. Perhaps, I'm merely being selective and deliberately exclusive. Closing my eyes and my mind to the naked truth, where I choose to live in my own little Atlantis, my designed playgrounds where I tweak the control settings at will. Delving into the magical worlds of music, food and fantasy novels. Whichever it is, we all have a choice to view matters and circumstances in a positive or negative light. Make no mistake: there's no grey area. It either is, or it isn't. I've made mine.
she procrastinated @ 19:22 |